Python Course Project: Strings

Python Course Project: Strings

For this project, I used string methods to extract information from sales data which was stored as one huge string. I extracted customer names, sales amounts, and product colors. I calculated the total sales and counted the number of each product color sold.

#replace the artifact between each piece of data within a transaction with something without a comma
daily_sales_replaced = daily_sales.replace(';,;', ';')

# split up daily_sales into a list of individual transactions
daily_transactions = daily_sales_replaced.split(',')

#split each individual transaction into a list of its data points.
daily_transactions_split = []
for elem in daily_transactions:

#strip off any whitespace from each data item
transactions_clean = []
for elem in daily_transactions_split:
  new_list2 = []
  for point in elem:
    new_list2.append(point.replace("\n", "").strip(" "))

#collect the individual data points for each transaction in these 3 lists.
customers = []
sales = []
thread_sold = []

for elem in transactions_clean:

# how much money was made in a day
total_sales = 0
for value in sales:
  total_sales += float(value.strip('$'))

#determine how many of each color thread we sold today.  Separate any strings for multiple colors separated by an &.
thread_sold_split = []
for item in thread_sold:
  if '&' not in item:
    for color in (item.split('&')):

#function which returns the number of entries in the list that match the argument.
def color_count(color):
  return thread_sold_split.count(color)

colors = ['red', 'yellow', 'green', 'white', 'black', 'blue', 'purple']

msg = "There were {} {} sold today"
msg2 = "The total value of all sales is {}"

#print statements about the total number of each color sold.
for item in colors:
  print(msg.format((color_count(item)), item))
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