Performing Spatial Joins

Performing Spatial Joins

For this project I first followed a tutorial, then added to it by visualizing the result in a different way. The tutorial involved using the spatial join with summary algorithm to join the average street rating to each borough. I decided to use graduated symbology by the value of the pavement rating for both the boroughs and the individual streets to make a more effective thematic map.

Tutorial: Performing Spatial Joins (QGIS3) — QGIS Tutorials and Tips

Basic GIS Operations 1

Basic GIS Operations 1

The following are screenshots from four tutorials I followed. Link and description are in each caption.

Basic Vector Styling (QGIS3) — QGIS Tutorials and Tips – I took a CSV file containing the location of all power plants in the World and created a visualization showing distribution of renewable and non-renewable fuels used in these power plants.
Calculating Line Lengths and Statistics (QGIS3) — QGIS Tutorials and Tips – Given a polyline layer of railroads in North America, I determined the total length of railroads in the United States.
Basic Raster Styling and Analysis (QGIS3) — QGIS Tutorials and Tips – I used population grid data to create a thematic map of the global population change between year 2000 and 2010.
Raster Mosaicing and Clipping (QGIS3) — QGIS Tutorials and Tips – I downloaded elevation data for Sri Lanka in form of SRTM tiles, merged them and clipped the resulting mosaic to the country boundary.
Build a dashboard for a covid-19 hotline calling system

Build a dashboard for a covid-19 hotline calling system

Description: This project was done for a course I took through Bootcamp GIS in partnership with the University of New Mexico. It is a COVID-19 hotline call dashboard with ArcGIS Pro.  People in Albuquerque could call into the hotline and a call taker asks questions and fills in a survey. That survey data is dynamically updated in this dashboard.

Data visualization exercises

Data visualization exercises

Description: These are screenshots captured while working from the book Discover QGIS 3.x by Kurt Menke. These exercises are from part 5 of the book, Advanced Data Visualization. This was assigned coursework I did in Geospatial Tech with John Beltran at Central New Mexico Community College.